Weekly Newsletter 2014.4

4v4 News:

Round 1 complete:
Tables have been updated.
Promoted Squads: Eintracht Undercoftler, FC Penn Run, Kaiser Chiefs
Relegated Squads: Jabroni’s, Young Bucks, Inter 40’s

All rosters are full:
Every roster in the league is carrying at least 8-9 players. This means, squads will not be short, and there shouldn’t be any no shows without reason. Entering into week four we were able to place some of the final players looking for squads on appropriate teams. This all being said, moving forward, I can not take on any more additional players. You got a guy who wants to play, but your roster is full….tough luck for your guy. His options are your team, or no team.

Kits have been ordered we will be working diligently to get everything printed and available for squads by kickoff of week 4. One thing that surprisingly didn’t come up was color request. I didn’t take request, because it isn’t necessarily a matter of what color you want as so much as to what colors are available while at the same time being contrasting enough to not cause confusion among squads. So, colors for squads are as follows:

Eintracht – Dark Chocolate
Sporting – Kiwi
United – Galapagos Blue
Inter 40 – Tangerine
Kaiser Chiefs – Vegas Gold
Locos – Heliconia
Gunners – White
Jabroni’s – Daisy
FCPR & Reserves – Forest Green
Neverton – Carolina Blue
Young Bucks – Cherry Red

I have no idea how blue differs from Galapagos Blue, or gold from Vegas Gold, but I’m sure it’s REAL special.

So and so was in the arc, and he was on offense, and I’m on defense, and I’m not in the ark, and then he wants to score after being in the arc, when the ball is half way between the arc, while you and I are in the arc, BUT the ball never came in when he was out of the arc so when he was in the arc before the ball I was allowed to touch the ball even though I was in the arc.

It doesn’t have to be this complicated:

Stay out of the arc, both OFFENSE and DEFENSE, until the ball gets there. Then just play soccer, and see how it pans out. If you were beat, and the ball is played offensively by the player, and he is a second earlier than the ball, don’t lose sight to the matter at hand, and that was….that you were beat.