Category: Events
Weekly Newsletter 2014.3
Players, 4v4 Registrations Thanks for an efficient registration process for 4v4. I really appreciate it. Please check the Summer League tab for updates, schedules, rosters, etc. I had to make a couple of schedule adjustments on match-ups due to calling out the incorrect squads in week 1. That, and I received an anonymous special request…
Weekly Newsletter 2014.2
Players, We are officially one week from 4 v 4 kickoff. With that I have some announcements: Kickoff time amendment The first 4 weeks of the season we will be kicking off promptly at 7pm. This is an hour later than originally planned, hopefully it is not much of an inconvenience but due to the…
Website Updates, Season Kickoffs, Ron See, and General Info
A few notes: – I’m finally getting a few moments to bring all the pages on this website up to speed. If anyone happens to have the 3v3 tournament results anywhere let me know. The only thing I can seem to find is a pile of crumpled up waivers, as goes the life of the…