ICFC & Coronavirus

Spring Has Sprung, It’s 7v7 Draft Time
March 12, 2020
May 2020
May 22, 2020

ICFC & Coronavirus

*** 3/16/2020, 6:00 PM UPDATE ***

In light of the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19 and following the advice of public health experts, we are postponing the start of the 7v7 season, indefinitely. The draft that was scheduled for this evening will be rescheduled for a later date.

This has no bearing on 4v4. We will address that league separately since the scheduled start date is a month later.

At ICFC, the health and safety of our players and our community is a top priority. We all want to play this game we love and will plan to return to the pitch just as soon as public health experts believe it is safe and wise to do so.

As we learn more, we’ll be in touch with new dates for the 7v7 draft and the season kick-off. Once we are able to resume group play, it is our hope to play as much of the full 7v7 season as possible, under a revised schedule.

As a club and as a community, we believe strongly in taking care of one another. If you find yourself struggling to meet basic needs during this time of social distancing, please let a member of the ICFC board know.

Stay put and stay safe! Stay in touch with one another.

- The ICFC Board

*** 3/14/2020, 3:00 PM UPDATE ***

Updates on the following upcoming Club events:
Sundays, 3/15 & 3/22: Winter Futsal League -- CANCELLED/DONE

Monday, 3/16: Adult 7v7 Draft -- POSTPONED INDEFINITELY

Saturday, 3/21: ICFC 2020 Community Shield -- CANCELLED

Saturday, 3/28: O40 opening match @ FC Pittsburgh -- POSTPONED TO 6/6

Sunday, 4/5: Adult 7v7 Start Date -- POSTPONED INDEFINITELY

Friday, 4/10: ICFC Concert Series @ Levity Brewing -- TBD

Stay posted here for further updates over the next month.
*** 3/13/2020, 4:30 PM UPDATE ***

White Township is closing S&T Bank Arena indefinitely in response to the COVID-19 containment efforts. They will await guidance on when to reopen the facility, but this effectively ends our 2019-20 Winter Futsal season.

As mentioned before, we will still hold the draft for Adult 7v7 on Monday at Noble Stein, and will announce organization for 4v4 on Tuesday. It goes without saying, though, that the start of these leagues will be contingent upon a greater social return to normalcy.

On a lighter note, after our playoff round robin matches, we are awarding 2 cups. Congratulations to the Spirit of 56 for sweeping their way to the Community Cup. And through tie-breakers, IHS Young Bucks have won the Premier Cup. We will fete their victories when our club next convenes.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to me via the avenues listed below. Hunker down, be well, take care of yourselves, be smart.

- Nate

Hi, all:

As is the duty of any organization that brings people together, we are gauging our club response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote as we may seem from the city centers confirmed to have cases, the nature of highly infectious viruses requires proceeding with an abundance of caution.

Ultimately, we will follow the guidance of White Township & the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As I’m sure you’ve witnessed in recent days, such guidance can be fluid on an hour-by-hour basis.

Currently, the Commonwealth calls for cancelling or postponing any event that brings together 250 or more people. That number in Ohio is 100 people. It stands to reason that Pennsylvania’s guidance could be revised down at any time.

Right now, we plan to proceed with the final two weeks of Winter Futsal matches as scheduled. Those events should bring together fewer than 50 people at a time — well below current guidance. I will note that we are only doing this because the youth hockey tournaments that were scheduled for S&T Arena over the next two weekends were just cancelled this afternoon. Had they proceeded, I would have cancelled our league with so many people in that building from all over Western PA.

Men’s & Women’s pick-up will also tentatively continue over the remainder of March, given no further changes in guidance.

We are planning one big change, however: We are cancelling the all-club party that was to take place during the three championship matches on March 22nd. These matches will now take place under normal league conditions, just the two teams at a time, at 12:00pm, 1:00pm, and 2:00pm. If you’re not to play in any of these matches, do not show up at the arena.

In addition, we will continue with current planning and drafting of our 7v7 & 4v4 leagues. The Adult 7v7 draft will still occur Monday evening at Noble Stein from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. We will announce 4v4 planning dates next Tuesday. For our Over-40 squad members, all the above guidance applies with the addition of any edicts we receive from WPASA.

What’s above represents the most lax response the club is willing to take given the information we have right now. We’ve weighed more aggressive responses. I personally welcome our members’ feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact me either through TeamSnap, or at [email protected]. Or if you have my number, text me. Given the nature of the internet, I’m not going to post my number here.

Please keep an eye on this space for any further information in the coming hours, days, weeks, and months. I will update this post with any changes in guidance as I receive it, right up until the planned kick-off of our first match on Sunday at 10:00AM. This will of course go out to TeamSnap, as well.

It’s a weird time, communication lines are open — again, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.


your friendly neighborhood program director

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