Holidays with ICFC

A couple announcements to make with regard to the next month of events in your friendly neighborhood soccer club:

Firstly, our winter futsal league takes a break at both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those Sundays, 11/25 and 12/23, we will hold community pick-up sessions from 10AM to Noon. These sessions will be free to all currently-registered winter league members and $10/person for ALL others not in the league. A side note: all people are welcome with the understanding that our holiday pick-up session tend to be more family-oriented in nature.

Our annual club holiday party will be Monday 12/10 at 5PM, at Levity Brewing Company. Bring your family! This year’s event will be catered by Colleen’s Cuisine.

On Thursday 12/20, we are excited to launch our 2018-19 concert series with Left Lane Cruiser, who you might recognize from the Northern Appalachian Folk Festival. Doors open at 7pm with Melville Walbeck opening the evening. Tickets are $12 at the door, or $10 in advance through the club at More info will be announced soon.

On Sunday 12/30, we will host an adult indoor 3v3 tournament. We will post a registration page on this website, soon, but get your teams together, now! Cost per TEAM will be $25. On January 27, we will host a corresponding youth tournament. Cost will be $50/team.

Stay posted for more information, soon, but these are the quick hits, now. Have a happy Thanksgiving!