Category: Adult 7v7

  • 4/14 Matches Postponed

    4/14 Matches Postponed

    With respect to field integrity, today’s matches will be postponed to Sunday, October 6. The 7v7 schedule will resume as posted on Sunday, April 28. Stay dry out there.  

  • 7v7 Begins
  • Adult 7v7 Draft Results

    Adult 7v7 Draft Results

    On the evening of Sunday, March 10, ICFC held the second annual draft for the Adult 7v7 league at Noble Stein Brewing Company. Right from the start, intrigue was in the air. With no captain stepping forward from last year’s Session Wednesday roster, Ben Scherf filled the void and is bringing his 3v3 tournament team,…

  • 7v7 final week + indoor draft & registration

    7v7 final week + indoor draft & registration

    Congratulations are in order! After Neverton & FC Penn Run played to a 6-6 draw, The Spirit of 56 clinched the inaugural 7v7 championship this past Sunday with a 5-3 win over Session Wednesday. We are putting the confetti on hold due to the light rain in the forecast. A schedule change for the final…