Author: James Thompson
Weekly Newsletter 2014.4
4v4 News: Round 1 complete: Tables have been updated. Promoted Squads: Eintracht Undercoftler, FC Penn Run, Kaiser Chiefs Relegated Squads: Jabroni’s, Young Bucks, Inter 40’s All rosters are full: Every roster in the league is carrying at least 8-9 players. This means, squads will not be short, and there shouldn’t be any no shows without…
Weekly Newsletter 2014.3
Players, 4v4 Registrations Thanks for an efficient registration process for 4v4. I really appreciate it. Please check the Summer League tab for updates, schedules, rosters, etc. I had to make a couple of schedule adjustments on match-ups due to calling out the incorrect squads in week 1. That, and I received an anonymous special request…
040 2014 Match Day 4
First-place Robinson traveled to Indiana for a showdown of top O-40 teams. Unfortunately, the long drive and the rainy conditions were sufficiently intimidating to the Robinson players that only nine successfully made their way to the White Township fields. Indiana keeper Kevin Kerr had little to do in the first half, but Indiana’s attack seemed…
040 2014 Match Day 3
The Indiana O-40 team traveled to the wilds of the Swickley Hills to play a match against North United. It had been a month since Indiana’s last match (due to cancelations and Easter), and the first few minutes showed the visitor’s rust. Indiana’s midfield and backs were slow reacting to North United’s first attack, resulting…