Author: James Thompson
040 2014 Match Day 12
The final game of the O-40 round-robin playoff had North United traveling to Indiana. North United stood in first place, and would advance to the championship game with a win or draw, and Indiana could advance only with a win. The weather was cool, damp and breezy, and the visitors had the benefit of the…
040 2014 Match Day 11
Indiana traveled to Harmarville for the second game of their round-robin playoff pool. After a forfeit by Heidelberg in first game, Indiana was trying to stay at the top of the table, but against an opponent they have always found difficult. For most of the first half, the game was played primarily in the midfield…
Weekly Newsletter 2014.12
Announcements: 040 Our 040 squad has been officially promoted to the premier division. What a sight to see, they’ve really come a long way. They are playing in their current division final this coming Saturday. Read about the previous matches in Ron See’s write ups of Match Day 11 and Match Day 12. Match day…
Weekly Newsletter 2014.11
Players, We are winding down the fall, just like that. Hard to believe that just a few newsletters ago I was posting about 4v4, such is life. 0-30 Playoffs: The 0-30 Squad hosts the League 2 semi-final on Sunday at 3pm. Somewhere, somehow the 0-30’s became horribly effective, and strung together a nice winning streak…