4v4 Kickoff Newsletter 2015.3


It is spring in Western PA. Travel, In-house, and adult leagues are all midway through their fixtures, which makes us officially within TWO WEEKS of our annual 4v4 Summer League.


Can be found here.

If you have your rosters already in place, and wish to e-mail me the details. Please do so. The more I have in place prior to week 1. The better.

A few simple changes this year:

1. Team Captains will be responsible for your squads T-Shirt Order. Your squad is not obligated to put an order in, team kits do not cost extra as they are already built into the cost, but nonetheless if you and your team wish to venture out on your own for kits. I welcome the creativity. I’m putting this rule in to take the weight off of my shoulders in organizing the order for 80+ players. Orders will be due by kickoff in week 2.

2. Price increase. Cost per player went up $10.00. Cost per family went up $20.00. Here’s why: We use this club as a conduit for financing other soccer related projects throughout the community. This year in particular, we are bringing in a youth and HS Girls Soccer clinic in June. It is a caliber clinic, and can be considered “expensive.” A portion of these proceeds will go directly to offsetting some of the cost.
