The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sorry this announcement wasn’t made sooner — time’s been FLYING as we’ve gotten our new 7v7 league off the ground this spring. But it’s now the most wonderful time of the year – Summer 4v4! We kick off in just 9 days!

All information that’s referenced in this post can be found on the league page, here:
As in all our leagues, please use this page as a reference all season long. It will be regularly updated with the schedule, standings, etc.

League dues this year will be $58 for individual players and $109 for families. Payments can be made either via card or PayPal on the page linked above, or by check written out to ICFC, payable on Match Day 1. We’ll be at the fields by 5:30 that day to get everyone registered and paid.

We’ll do this year the same as we did last year: If you’ve been a team captain in the past and plan to do so, again, please put your team together and email us your roster at [email protected] at your very earliest convenience. Please have all your players fill out the waiver form (also linked on that page). If you’re a player without a team, go ahead and register (see the waiver form on the page linked above), email us, and we’ll assign you to a team. Let us know if you’re a competitive player or a community player (more info on that below).

One twist we’re going to try this year is formally splitting the league into two divisions:
The Open Division – meant for skilled, competitive players
The Community Division – meant for players of all skill sets looking for a more friendly run

If we don’t get enough teams in The Open Division, we’ll simply operate as we did last year where these splits were pretty much in place, just less formally so.

If you have questions, please email us at [email protected]. In the meantime, any registrations and online payments we can receive ahead of Match Day 1 will be a great help.

Thanks – see you on the 17th!