040 2014 Match Day 4

First-place Robinson traveled to Indiana for a showdown of top O-40 teams. Unfortunately, the long drive and the rainy conditions were sufficiently intimidating to the Robinson players that only nine successfully made their way to the White Township fields. Indiana keeper Kevin Kerr had little to do in the first half, but Indiana’s attack seemed disjointed, their only goal coming on a Chad Hojnoski shot that was deflected by a Robinson defender. At the beginning of the second half, Robinson actually was able to put some pressure on the Indiana goal, and Kerr even had to make an excellent save to preserve the lead. However, any panic in the home side was quelled when Hojnoski pounced on an ill-advised Robinson pass, easily beating the keeper to give Indiana a 2-0 lead, Just a few minutes later, Indiana’s Bryan Wilkins hit a shot that the Robinson keeper stopped, but couldn’t hold, and Jose Soriano tapped in the rebound to make it 3-0. With about 18 minutes to go, all seemed well for Indiana, but then they conceded a corner kick. A well-struck ball found a Robinson head, and they were on the board. A few minutes later, another Robinson corner yielded the same result, and suddenly the score was 3-2! Fortunately for Indiana, the Robinson defenders were tiring, giving Indiana several scoring opportunities. Matt McKelvy and Wilkins took advantage, adding late goals to bring the final score to 5-2. While Indiana couldn’t really be satisfied with their performance against an undermanned side, a win is a win, and this one put Indiana one point from first place in the league standings.