Winter League Scoring through 12/4/16

For league history fun, below are the Top 40 in scoring in the ICFC Winter Futsal League to this point, broken down by league play, cup play, and total scoring. Please advise if there are any typos regarding names.

Obviously, the stats shown below are only as good as the Captains’ Reports that are submitted after each match; so, captains, SUBMIT YOUR SHEETS! And if when you do, SUBMIT THEM FULLY COMPLETED!

Example: Look at Sarah Schneider at the bottom of the sheet for Total Scoring. I’ve got her down for 1 cap (appearance) in the league this year. I know she’s played every week, but that’s what’s been submitted by her totally lame-o team captains, Zach Afshar and Brian Pistole.

These are your legacies in ICFC lore, folks – own them!

To help with this, available beginning this week to each squad will be reports with the roster already filled out – you just need to keep track of your game, now.

ICFC League Play scoring to 12/04/2016

ICFC Cup Scoring to 12/04/2016

* Due to a few blowouts in the first round of Cup play, there were only 29 folks on the scoresheets.

ICFC Total Scoring to 12/04/2016


In closing, Kyle DeStefano is a cherry picker.

See y’all Sunday (No, I don’t know the schedule. It’s all in J’s head.) –

– Mgmt