Winter Kickoff Newsletter 2015.4


Lots of info here so I’ll try to make it as to the point as possible. First off, thank you everyone for participating, as of right now our club has put together over 70 players strong for a 16 week season. In no specific order here is a list of bullet points that will help you understand everything league related:

  • Full Time Dues $90.00 per player
  • Part Time Dues $60.00 per player (Part Time Player is one who can only make 10 or less weeks)
  • Family Rate $120.00 per player
  • All dues must be paid in full prior to week 1 kickoff. We will have a sign in table and extra forms
  • I am not printing shirts for squads this year, team colors have been denoted on the roster. I will be offering a hooded sweatshirt for $20.00 additional cost proceeds will benefit the IHS Girls Soccer Program
  • Roster Rules are that no player may transfer squads without the vote of the 8 Captains
  • Player additions must be approved by a vote of the 8 Captains prior to Sunday kickoffs
  • All Captains are required to start matches promptly at the top of the hour halves should be no less than 25 min, and no more than 29min.
  • 5 + 1 Keeper (this is one extra field player, up from last year)
  • Keeper Rule: 5 players must play at least 5 minutes as a keeper every match.
  • No slide tackling
  • Just. Be. Cool.
  • Rosters, Schedules, Waivers are all found here

Lastly, understand this. This is a community league, it will be ‘competitive.’ At times you will win, at times you will lose. Each team is compiled of players of all ages, shapes, and sizes. These players are here for a decent 1 hour run, and time out of the house. If you are turning to this league for your one chance to get a legitimate workout in and relive your prior lifes glory days of a mediocre soccer player, then this is not the league for you. If you have a problem with the squad you’ve been picked to play on please talk to me. However, if the problem is because your team isn’t winning 10 – 0 every match. Then again, this league is not for you. All captains involved in the draft worked hard to keep players together, while at the same time balancing out the talent. If you do not like this, I will be more than happy to point you in the direction of some more competitive leagues where the objective is not so much community first as we are.

Have a great Winter Season.