Season:  May, June, July
Match Style: Grass Pitch, 40yd x 25yd, 4 ft Goals, 4v4 with subs
Cost:  $75-$100

Some say our best run of the year, the Summer 4v4 League is for players of all skill levels aged 14-80. Each team plays two 40-min matches every week on a 42(ish) x 24(ish) yard pitch. Kickoff commences on the third Thursday in May and continues over the next 10 consecutive Thursdays.

Squads participate in 20 matches over the course of 10 weeks and leagues are divided into separate competitive divisions based on skill.  Roster sizes are recommended to consist of 8-10 players depending on weekly availability.  If you register a squad you are committing to fielding a full squad for 10 consecutive weeks.

All sign-ups, waivers, rostering, schedules, and results are conducted through the club’s TeamSnap platform.

Thursdays are where it all began for ICFC. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!