Category: ICFC Women
2018 IHS Alumni Matches
Mark your calendars, the 2018 IHS Alumni Soccer Matches will be held on Friday, August 3rd at IHS’ 5th Street Stadium, culminating the 2018 IHS Girls’ Finishing & Defending Clinic held at the stadium daily from 7/30-8/2. The men’s alumni-vs-alumni match will begin at 5:00 pm with the women’s alumni-vs-IHS squad match to follow at…
Dates Set For The 2017 Indiana Area Senior High School Alumni Matches
The 2017 Indiana Area Senior High School alumni soccer matches will take place on Friday, August 4th. The men’s match will begin promptly at 6pm, while the women’s match will kickoff at 8pm. Both matches will take place at the Indiana Area Senior High School’s football field. Levity Brewing will be hosting folks age 21+…