Author: James Thompson
0-40 Match 14
Indiana O-40 hosted Straub’s Mon Valley United in the last regular season match. The home team controlled play from the outset, but about 15 minutes in, a deflection fell in the perfect position for a Straub’s attacker, and his shot gave the visitors an unlikely lead. This was short lived, as Indiana responded quickly. First,…
Facebook Group Page
I’ve been holding off on this for quite sometime but have now decided to have a group page via facebook. This is set up as a private group, and will contain MOST of the information that can be found on this site.
0-40 Match 13
Indiana O-40 was looking to break a two-game losing streak when they traveled to Harmarville on Oct. 5 to play Fox Chapel. The game started very well for Indiana, when Chad Hojnoski intercepted a leisurely back-pass to the Fox Chapel keeper, and rolled it in the net to make it 1-0, Indiana. The game was…
Website Update
Each home page now contains it’s own News & Announcements page. My main reason was mainly because Ron See does such a nice job on his 0-40 write-ups, that I didn’t want the archives to get lost in the mix of other news announcements. Therefore this particular new page will be for general club announcements…