Author: James Thompson
4v4 6:00 Series
REMINDER! This week begins our schedule shifting to the 6:00 PM start time, and it will remain that way for the rest of the season. SIX O’CLOCK!! That’s all — see you at 6pm on Thursday
ICCAP Paper Drive
As our club grows, adds more leagues, and pulls together more and more people, we’d like to begin leveraging our humanpower to return favor to the community in acts of service. Our first small step will be a “paper drive” in support of ICCAP. Beginning with this evening’s 4v4 games, ICFC will be collecting paper…
Gaaaame On
For 7v7, we will be setting up a temporary pitch at the lower fields next to East Pike Elementary for tomorrow’s matches (5/20), trying to give the regular fields as much of a reprieve as we can. They are a mess. So, if you show up tomorrow wondering where everyone is… just keep walking toward…
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Sorry this announcement wasn’t made sooner — time’s been FLYING as we’ve gotten our new 7v7 league off the ground this spring. But it’s now the most wonderful time of the year – Summer 4v4! We kick off in just 9 days! All information that’s referenced in this post can be found on the league…