2016-2017 Indoor Season Details


Thanks for those who attended the draft, either in person or in spirit, it’s looking as though this will be the best indoor season to date.

Now….onto the announcements:

There is some speculation as to what players went where, and how. If there is a player that you wanted on your squad, but didn’t get, work it out among yourselves. Second, there is a slew of players who will become available over the holiday weeks, folks home from college, etc. These players will need to pay a ‘holiday’ fee, and they will be collectively assigned by the captains committee. As a captain, if an non rostered player approaches you about being on your team, email all the captains, and we’ll go from there. The idea is to keep a relatively even and balanced league throughout the majority of the teams.

As with any other ICFC league, we will have multiple cups within the season. This year we have implemented an in season knockout cup along with the end of the season League Cups. As you’ll see in the knockout cups, some of the early rounds are random draw, therefore, I can no longer accommodate entire teams personal schedules.

Dues are listed in the waiver. Yes, they have increased, and here is why: Last year the club lost almost $800.00 for the league. Since becoming incorporated, and continuing to grow, these advancements have come at a larger expense, these costs are ultimately delegated down onto members. In addition, White Township has also increased their turf rates. Lastly, specific to the loss last year, some folks just didn’t pay. This year we have implemented a system that will keep track of week to week rosters and monitor those players who are negligent. In hopes to continue a steady rate moving forward, we are hoping to finalize a five year agreement with the township that will lock in our current rates. So yes, dues are up, but we recognize this, we are doing something about it, and of course we appreciate your support.
$100 part time (8 weeks or less)

Colors have been designated on the roster form to squads. You are on your own for kits.

Please make sure you communicate all league correspondence to your team via e-mail. Out of the 80 or so players I don’t have everyone’s email, as I am missing a few. Moreover, following this email, all future correspondence will be directed to you, including upcoming due diligence necessary to operate your squad for the season as well as specific codes of conduct that have been set by the board.

If you have any questions or wish to inquire about how to be more involved please feel free to contact us. We are always looking for new committees.



P.S. ~ Please make sure to download all three (3) of the items below, complete the waiver and bring it with you on Sunday.

Download Roster

Download Schedule

Download Waiver