Month: July 2014
2014 4v4 Cup Winners
Here are some pics. I’ll update scores, season re-cap, etc later. As of right now, I’m officially on vacation. Cheers. League Photo League 3 Cup Winners League 2 Cup Winners League 1 Cup Winners
Weekly Newsletter 2014.9
It’s the eve of Match Day 10. I know many of you will spend the night sleepless. No team has locked up the cup, and 3 of the 12 have a chance to play spoiler. 4v4: Here’s the general rundown: current standings League 1: Gunners are in control, but if Loco’s can play spoilers, and…
Weekly Newsletter 2014.8
4v4: One simple tie-breaker change that I forgot to post and announce prior to week 8 kickoff. Tie breakers will be determined by the following: 1. Head to Head Record 2. Head to Head 5 minute match with last out of bounds off the losing squad. If tied after 5 minutes, next goal wins. 3.…